Sunday, June 9, 2013

Two wheels

Against my better judgement, I decided to go out for a bike ride today. My hip was feeling a little bit better and I decided not to push myself too hard, just pedal to the sound of music on a quiet morning. That of course didn't happen, because I'm not very patient and I love to sprint. Plus, the pump I get in my quads from going hard for a minute or two feels great.

I like to listen to music when I ride, even though some might think that's a little bit dangerous. I just keep the volume down and pay extra attention to cars around me. Anyway, it was Sunday morning so there wasn't too much traffic.

Just as I was starting to go down this hill, Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd started playing on my ipod, and it couldn't have been a better moment. Rushing down at max speed, wind blowing, the smell of flowers and trees around me. When I came back, tired and sweaty, another perfect song. Feuer Frei. It helped me push and get on top of that hill faster. It was an awesome sensation.

Another cool thing happened. I was passing through this park and there was some sort of air show going on. Some guys from a parachuting club were doing precision jumps and I caught a picture of one of them landing. It was really sunny and my eyes were hurting from looking up at the sky so I didn't notice the dude in the black shirt when I took it.

All in all, a good way to start the day, even though I probably should be resting as much as possible. If I'm feeling better tomorrow, I'm deadlifting heavy again.

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